Symptoms, Signs And Causes Of Ectopic Pregnancy

A pregnant woman must be aware of the symptoms, signs and causes of Ectopic pregnancy.It is an abnormal complication of pregnancy that risks the life of fetus as well as the pregnant woman.Ectopic pregnancy is an complication of pregnancy that threats the life of fetus as well as the pregnant woman.Ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal pregnancy that happens outside the womb of the mother.

The term "Ectopic" means something out of place.Ectopic pregnancy is a state of complication which is dangerous for the mother and the fetus both.

Ectopic pregnancy is also known as tubal pregnancy because 95% of ectopic pregnanciesoccur in fallopian tube.Other then fallopian tube, it can occur in other locations also, such as the ovary, cervix, and abdominal cavity.An ectopic pregnancy takes place in about one in 50 pregnancies.

Difference between normal and ectopic pregnancy

In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg enters the uterus by traveling through fallopian tube and settles into the inner lining of the uterus.

Contrary to this, in an Ectopic pregnancy fertilized egg settles and grows in any location other than the inner lining of the uterus.

If Ectopic pregnancy occurs, the fetus does not develop and often can not survive.The reason why fetus can not stay alive in any area other than uterus is that none of the areas has plenty of room to divide and grow as uterus has for a pregnancy to develop.

That is the reason Ecotopic pregnancy could results into eventually bursting of the organ that holds it.This condition of ectopic pregnancy can lead to severe bleeding and cause danger to the pregnant mother's life.An Ectopic pregnancy could not build up into a live birth.Check out pregnancy signs here: Pregnancy signs and symotoms

Ectopic pregnancy Causes:

An ectopic pregnancy is often caused by damage or injury to the fallopian tubes, a condition where fertilized egg have trouble passing through this damaged fallopian tube that further slows or even blocks the movement of a fertilized egg through the fallopian tube to the uterus.

* Ectopic pregnancy may be caused by a physical blockage in the tube due to hormonal factors.
* The habit of Smoking can increase the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.
* Any past infection in the fallopian tubes can cause an ectopic pregnancy.
* Surgery of the fallopian tubes or in the pelvic area may increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy symptoms and signs

Ectopic pregnancy can not be distinguished in first few weeks of pregnancy, it has same symptoms as a normal pregnancy has such as fatigue, nausea, sore breasts and missed menstrual period.

* Pain in the lower abdomen.This pain may be puzzled with a strong stomach pain or with a strong cramp.
* Sharp pain on one side of belly at first and then extends through the whole abdomen.
* The pain can get worse if you move.
* Mild bleeding
* Increased urination or pain while urinating.

If you think you are pregnant, you should be aware of these above mentioned symptoms and signs of ectopic pregnancy.Being a life threatening complication, a would be mother should be conscious of the dangers associated with this pregnancy disorder.

Read more:

Early Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

The Pain of Being a Woman

Article Written by Neha Sadana

Neha loves writing for expertscolumn as she consider this writing website as one of the best platform for writers to get noticed and earn online.

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